May 5, 2007

Consciously Manifesing Your Dreams

You may have seen "The Secret" DVD which addresses the concept that we are constantly creating our own realities through the LAW OF ATTRACTION. If this concept is true, and we attract our life experiences through our thoughts and feelings, then it is very important to make consious what is always at play in our lives. We can become intentional creators of our reality by utilizing some very basic manifesting principles. At HCH Institute we teach many of the tools for manifesting your heart’s desires. Here is an outline of one tried and true approach that is used in our Coaching Training. Give it a try and let us know your results. Blessing, Holly Holmes-Meredith

The following are guidelines for becoming an active and conscious manifester in your life. We human beings are constantly manifesting. The power to manifest is already a part of you. It is your Being. We manifest through our body, mind and soul. Our thoughts, words, and actions are our tools. We manifest in our lives that upon which we focus. Most people manifest passively and unconsciously; they are victims of how their unconscious thoughts and words manifest outcomes in their lives. It is very important for us, who want to be conscious manifesters, to become exquisitely aware of what we focus on, consciously and unconsciously, and how to directly engage our thoughts, words and actions so that we are more productively working towards attracting our heart's desires. These simple steps will help you become more conscious and more directly involved in consciously attracting and manifesting your goals and dreams.

1. Choosing a Goal to Manifest.

Make sure that your goal is your own; that is one that is congruent to your own desires and to who you are as a person. It will not work, for instance, to try to manifest your parent's goals for you to be a politician when you really want to be a dancer. In the Coaching process using the Wheel of Life tool and the Coaching for Values approaches are important tools at this stage. You and only you can decide if this goal is truly important and of value.

2. The Importance of Manifesting with Intention.

Make sure that your goal is moving towards what you want, not what you don't want. Get specific about the details or qualities of what you want. Make a list of these details or use the "bubbling" technique or allow free associations to map the specifics.

3. Reinforcing with Affirmations.

Write an affirmation that includes the specifics of your goal. Be positive. Use present tense. Relate it to yourself as coming to you at just the right time and for the highest good of all. Give the statement some "juice" or emotion.

4. Doing a "Body Check".

Say your affirmation aloud and feel it in your body. Make sure that it feels right and important to you, especially in your heart chakra. If it doesn't feel right, keep working on the specifics until it does feel right.
At this stage you may become aware of limiting beliefs, unconscious attitudes or negative self talk that need clearing. Muscle testing can be used to check for psychological reversal. Inner work with EFT or Hypnotherapy may be needed to clear the unconscious blocks.

5. Engaging the Unconscious.

Using your hypnosis and creative visualization skills, now close your eyes and say the affirmation. Allow yourself to experience being your future self, the person who has already manifested the goal. Awaken all of your inner senses and experience what you feel, see, hear, sense, think and if appropriate taste and smell. Associate in the experience as fully as possible. The unconscious is now engaging in the manifesting process! Use your hypnotic skill rehearsal techniques to be in the moment the person who has already manifested his or her goal.

6. Anchor your Goal.

Choose a word, phrase, an image or a feeling that come to you when in trance that will be your anchor to reinforce the positive experience of stepping into your future self.

7. Give it substance.

Draw a picture, make a sandtray, take a photograph, find a symbol or make a collage of what you want. Keep it in view of your daily activities. What color or colors are the essence of your goal? When thinking of your goal you can use your anchors and put a big ball of energy over your head that is the color of your goal. Allow the color and feelings of energy to move into your aura and body to give it space to manifest through you and in your life.

8. Let it go.

Now release this color or feeling through your solar plexus. Surrender it to the Universe. Letting it go is very important to the manifesting process. As a part of the energy mechanics of life, the vibration of your thought and words have been released and broadcast into the universe so that they can attract to you opportunities and what you need. Coaching for Being is helpful here. Be where you are right now. Know that what is at this moment is perfect and right.

9. Know it as Reality.

There is no time in spirit. It does, however take time for goals to manifest in physical plane reality. Know that your goal will manifest in the time and way it is best for you. The Law of Cause and Effect is in action. "Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto you." Manifesting is a process that takes time. You can support it by acting as if you already have what you want. Validate even the smallest steps.

10. Take Action.

Manifesting is a process. Give your manifesting process attention. Every day do something towards making your goal a reality. The universe will give you signs along the way that will lead you on the path of manifesting. Stay alert to the opportunities that show up. Use your intuition and explore those opportunities that get your attention. Follow up on the cosmic "leads" that appear. Engage in your life as a part of the process. Stay open and receptive to opportunities coming in surprising ways. Work with your affirmation daily. Write it out and place it in a conspicuous place so you will see it as you go about your daily routines. Stop any negative language or limiting thoughts. Use EFT and hypnotherapy to delete any negative programs that show up.

11. Give Thanks.

Hold gratitude in your heart for the abundance of the universe and the knowing that you are manifesting opportunities and exactly what you need for your goal to manifest. Celebrate and enjoy the process.


Shakti Gwain
Deepak Chopra
Earnest Holmes
Alice Bailey
Vincent Peale

1 comment:

kris said...

Holly, I do check in on my friends from time to time. It is good to know that I can still learn form you. Very interesting article. I don't remember bubbling. I have been reading Esther Hicks recently on this subject. Hope you and yours stay well.